Monday, August 6, 2012


It seems like there are a million different color options in the makeup aisle when all you want it the PERFECT shadow. How do you know which shades will look the best with your eye color? DON'T STRESS! Here are the best tips to making the right decision to accent your true iris beauty. ​ ​GREEN EYES Your best bright color option is purple. Select a couple different shades of purple (one light and one dark). Apply the darker color in the crease of your lid and the lighter color above the crease. Follow up with a light color powder or a non-shimmery gold on the brow bone. Want to make your eye color really pop? Natural colors are the way to go. Get a medium brown (either mocha or chestnut) and apply to the crease. Select a light brown, tan or gold color and fill in above your crease to your brow, blending the line between light and dark. Apply a light translucent powder under the crease. ​ BLUE EYES NO blue eye shadow. This is important it is worth repeating...NO BLUE! Light browns and tans are the subtle way to draw out the blue in your eyes. Going out? Use silver to highlight your brow bone. Need a little more color, add a light pink in your crease. ​ HAZEL EYES You have​ won the eye color lottery! Hazel eyes typically have specks of all colors in their eyes making almost all colors work with your eye color. To subtly accent your hazel eyes, apply a light layer of gold shadow to your brow line if you have a darker complexion. If you have a lighter complexion, try a light layer of silver. ​ BROWN EYES While you are not as lucky as the hazel eyed beauties, having brown eyes is pretty lucky too as most colors will accent your eyes. When using natural colors, the most important aspect to consider is your complexion. If you have a darker complexion, use light brown/tan shadow to contrast your eyes and skin color. If you have a lighter complexion, focus on mochas and chestnuts to get the contrast you need. ​ GRAY EYES While gray eyes are rare, green and blue eyes can change to a gray under certain light. If you tend to turn to gray, and have a green undertone, stick with purples and neutrals. With a blue undertone, try tans/browns or silver - but remember, stay away from blue!

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